Friday, March 21, 2014

Absalom Proclaims

"If only I were appointed judge in the land!" proclaimed one young man many centuries ago. His name is Absalom and his father, the King of Judah and Israel,  is David. Absalom conspired to usurp his father's kingship and in the end was killed by the king's men.

Today, we have many Absalom's not just asking us to appoint them as a judge in the land, but taking the judgeship as a matter of right. What right, you ask? No right at all. I speak of a handful of United States Senators and others who, by the fact of their longevity in the Congress, have assumed the right of judge and jury over us all. I speak mainly of Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein and perhaps John McCain, but there are others that belong in this group.

You can see them on the television pontificating about a many and sundry issues. Schumer and Feinstein are lately hawking gun control. And let's not forget Feinstein's sudden revulsion of CIA spying. McCain wants us all to believe he's God's gift to foreign policy. And to think I once voted for him. Not that our current president couldn't use some help. John Kerry included. But these folks are just folks. There is nothing special about any of them. But there is one thing they all have in common.

That thing they all have in common is the self perception that they are somehow super qualified, endowed by some mysterious fluid, kept from the rest of us don't you know, they have imbibed making them experts about many things of which they actually know very little.

Little Harry Reid is just plain offensive to anyone with a mind as is Nancy Pelosi. Yet these two have pontificated more nonsense than all the others combined. And get this. They are what qualify to be the Congressional Leaderhip of the Democrats. Isn't that a hoot?

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